The Block Beataz is really doing it. I checked out a couple of more Slow Motion Soundz releases, like this Jackie Chain mixtape from this year. And a Jhi Ali mixtape from last year. This song might just be the tytest I heard all year! Just listen.
From Jackie Chain's 2008 mixtape, pic above.. I don't really know how to split the track up in two indivdual songs, so just deal with the slash (back-slash?)
And here's the verison I found of last years Jhi Ali mixtape. I don't know why the don't let the tracks just be their own mp3s, another slash.
And the Diplo remix off the Hunts Vegas tape.
I really don't know which mix I like the best. I'm feeling the one with Attitude and Rich Boy right now, it's a bit rawer, no lady singing sample, less remixed really.
Speaking of Attitude, if you get ahold of it, or if I decide to upload it, give his 1997 record a listen. It's whortwhile.
Thank you for the links. Its one of the best songs from the near future. And thanks for the downloadlink for the starshipz & rocketz mixtape!
You are welcome Anonymous.
Glad you enjoy the music.
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